Reviving Ancient Wisdom: The Xiaohutuxian Xinyouran Wine Box

Bxl Jupiter Team's Award-Winning Design Merges Tradition with Innovation

The Bxl Jupiter Team has breathed new life into the ancient Chinese tradition of bamboo slips, transforming it into a unique wine box design. The Xiaohutuxian Xinyouran wine box is a testament to the team's innovative approach to packaging design, earning them the prestigious Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2020.

The inspiration behind the Xiaohutuxian Xinyouran wine box lies in the rich cultural history of China. The Bxl Jupiter Team took the concept of bamboo slips, which were used to record text in the absence of paper in ancient China, and integrated it into their design. The wine box, thus, becomes a symbol of wisdom, embodying the brand culture of "xinyou ran", an old brand known for its wisdom.

The uniqueness of the design lies in its form and function. The wine box mimics the structure of bamboo slips, including the opening mechanism. Upon opening the box, one is greeted with a pair of Chinese ink paintings depicting a stretch of mountains, a symbol of wisdom in Chinese culture. This design element is not only visually appealing but also infuses the packaging with a sense of cultural heritage.

Adding a modern twist, the team used two-dimensional codes to draw the mountain range. This creative blend of traditional Chinese culture and modern technology sets the Xiaohutuxian Xinyouran wine box apart from conventional wine packaging designs.

The wine box, measuring 150mm*120mm*300mm, is made using cardboard and printing technology. The design project, which started in October 2019 and concluded in December 2019, was a collaborative effort by the Creative Center-Jupiter Group.

The Xiaohutuxian Xinyouran wine box is more than just a container for liquor; it is a work of art that tells a story of wisdom and tradition. Its innovative design and cultural significance have earned it the Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2020, a testament to the Bxl Jupiter Team's exceptional creativity and skill.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Pang xinyu
Image Credits: Pang xinyu
Project Team Members: Creative Center-Jupiter Group
Project Name: Xiaohutuxian Xinyouran
Project Client: Pang xinyu

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